Monday, February 15, 2021

Trends, Changes and Strategies in Business Planning for 2021

If there is one thing that we can all agree on it's that the past year has been far from normal. While we were celebrating the end of 2019 and making business plans for 2020, no one had any idea what was really in store for the year to come. What we know no that we didn't know at the start of 2020, is 
2021 will continue to see the ripple effects from the pandemic. We think it's important to create a marketing plan at the beginning of the year, so you can layout a strategy, who you are marketing to and how you will achieve that end. Here are a few suggestions.

Review 2020 

Before you can figure out where you’re going, you will need to take a look at where you are. What were your goals for 2020 and did you achieve them? Give some thought to the specific tactics you implemented in 2020. How did they work out?

Review your Target Audience

Did you include your target audience as part of your content marketing strategy for 2020? Do you have a clear idea of whom you’re trying to reach? Going forward, make sure your target audience is clearly defined and ask yourself:

  • How can you connect with them?
  • Is there anything you can do to improve how you are reaching them?

Establish New Goals

Once you have established what worked (and what didn’t) during 2020, it’s time to look ahead to 2021. What do you want to achieve in the next 12 months? 

Write Out Your Marketing Strategy

Write each month of the year at the top of a list, then list the tactics you plan to imply during the month. This will help you visualize how many different marketing activities you plan to commit to each month. Establish deadlines and stick to them!

Consider Your Time and Resources

Although you may have wonderful ideas, if you don’t factor your budget into your marketing strategy, you are severely limiting yourself and won’t see the success you envision. While you may not be able to accomplish everything you would like, by considering your target audience, goals, budget, time and resources available, you will be able to narrow your focus to tactics that are realistic for your business.

We’ve already laid out that businesses who set goals are far more successful than those who don’t. But without a plan to complete the goal, everything you’re dreaming about for your business will most like fall flat. At Spectra Print we believe it is important to make sure your plan is adaptable and full of smart goals that you and your team can achieve. 

When you’re ready to build a marketing plan that actually works for your business in 2021, contact us today. We want to make sure you’re on the right path to success. (715) 344-5175

image source: alma stock photo